We invite you to consult our technical terms here.

After its maturation, our Falkenkrone is bottled filtered or unfiltered. This is done under carbonic counterpressure so that it does not foam and carbon dioxide is not lost. For filling, aseptic filling machines are used, which are very maintenance-intensive.
Extracting the clear wort from the mash is called lautering. The liquid and the solids are thus separated from each other. The wort then enters the brew kettle. What remains is the malt spent grain cake, which is highly valued in agriculture as a protein-rich and very valuable livestock feed.
The mashing process is the end of the mashing process and the beginning of the lautering process.
In the so-called “Ab schlauchen” process, the young beer is filled into the storage tanks after fermentation.
Ale is a common term for an alcoholic fermented beverage made primarily from malted barley. However, the ale does not contain hops. Ale is native to the British Isles, where the term ale is also used colloquially as a synonym for beer in general. Ale is fermented with top-fermenting yeast at temperatures ranging from 15 to 25 °C. Fermentation takes place at higher temperatures than for lager.
Low alcohol
Our beer may be called low-alcohol if it has a maximum of 1.5% alcohol by volume. No more and no less.
After alcohol reduction, non-alcoholic beers contain only a residual alcohol content of 0.02% to 0.5% vol. in accordance with legal requirements. This is a value that is completely harmless to health and is no higher than that permitted for fruit juices. In alcohol-free beers, the formation of alcohol is prevented during fermentation or the alcohol is largely removed after fermentation.
Alcohol content
The alcohol content or degree of alcohol is the proportion of pure alcohol (i.e. ethanol) in the total amount of a mixture. In the case of alcohol-water mixtures or alcohol products, it is usually expressed as the volume concentration of pure alcohol at 20 degrees Celsius (Section 2 (4) of the Alcohol Tax Ordinance) in percent by volume (abbreviated unit symbol: % vol. or vol.-%). The alcohol content of beer is lower than that of any other alcoholic beverage. It is closely related to the original gravity content. A quarter to a third of the original wort of the brew is converted into alcohol by fermentation.
Alpha acid
Along with aroma oils, alpha acid is the most important component of hops for brewing. It occurs in the soft resin of the hops and provides the pleasant bitterness.
Altbier is a dark, hop-bitter full-bodied beer brewed in the top-fermented style. It gets its dark copper or amber appearance and malty flavor from caramelized malt. This traditional type of beer originates from northwestern Germany, mainly from the Düsseldorf and Münster regions.
Altbier is a type of beer whose fermentation process is carried out with top-fermenting (Altbier) yeast. Dies hat zur Folge, dass der Gärprozess bei einer höheren Temperatur stattfinden kann als bei einem untergärigen Bier. This was advantageous because before Carl von Linde developed the refrigeration machine in 1873, no technical refrigeration existed and large quantities of ice were needed for brewing. Due to the different proportions of malt used in these two parts of the country, a distinction can also be made between the varieties Düsseldorfer Altbier and Westfälisches (or Münster) Altbier. However, unlike Kölsch, the term Altbier is not a protected designation, so breweries outside the Düsseldorf region are also allowed to brew Altbier, and they do. Altbier is drunk from short and straight glasses or Altbier cups. Kind of like the Kölsch glass in Cologne.
Amino acids
Amino acids are the smallest units of the protein molecule. They play a major role in important processes of the brewing process and ensure the clarity, shelf life and foam behavior of the beer.
pitching wort
The pitching wort is the finished hopped wort into which the brewer’s yeast is added after cooling (pitching).
Berliner Weisse
Berliner Weisse or Berliner Weiße is a synonym for Berliner wheat beer. It is a designation of origin that only Berlin breweries are allowed to use
Berliner Weiße is a light, lean draught beer with 7% to 8% original wort. It is brewed top-fermented from a blend of barley malt and wheat malt and subjected to lactic acid fermentation. This makes it taste pleasantly sour. As a wheat beer with a shot, it is a kind of national drink for Berlin.
Beer output
Beer output is the total amount of beer sold by a brewery. It is given in hectoliters and is a parameter for beer tax.
Beer care
Beer glasses must be absolutely free of fat, because fat destroys the foam and makes the beer stale. Rinse the jars carefully with clean water and do not dry them with a kitchen towel.
By the way, draft beer requires particularly careful handling. After transportation, the barrels should rest for some time. Bottled beer should be protected from sunlight, because bright light affects the taste!
Types of beer
There is a large number of types of beer. But the most drunk types of beer are Pilsener, Export, wheat beer, Altbier and also Kölsch Naturally also Falkenkrone.
Beer tap print
Like the well-known mineral water, beer also contains carbon dioxide. In terms of beer, this means that if there is too little pressure in the beer line, the carbon dioxide in the beer line is released. Only foam then comes out of the tap. The pressure must then be increased or adjusted until the carbon dioxide dissolves back into the beer and there is no more foam in the beer line. There are certain physical rules that should be observed in order to set the optimum tap pressure depending on the weather conditions. For this purpose, we have created a table that simplifies the setting of the tap pressure. Because this is the best way to enjoy it
Beer dispenser pressure co2
Step 1 Determine saturation pressure:
To determine the saturation pressure, the beer temperature must be known. Since it is difficult to measure the temperature in the barrel, it is sufficient to know the room temperature of the storage room. If the keg is tapped fresh from the brewery, simply ask the lagerist for the refrigeration temperature and then use the following table to determine the saturation pressure.
5°C = 0.8 Bar 10°C = 1.2 Bar 16°C = 1.7 Bar 22°C = 2.1 Bar
6°C = 0,9 Bar 11°C = 1,3 Bar 17°C = 1,8 Bar 23°C = 2,2 Bar
7°C = 1,0 Bar 12°C = 1,4 Bar 18°C = 1,9 Bar 24°C = 2,3 Bar
8°C = 1,0 Bar 13°C = 1,5 Bar 20°C = 2,0 Bar 25°C = 2,4 Bar
9°C = 1,1 Bar 14°C = 1,5 Bar 21°C = 2,0 Bar 26°C = 2,5 Bar
Step 2. determine the height difference:
The difference in height between the bottom of the barrel and the tapping point is measured. 0.1 bar pressure is required per meter.
The pressure losses depend on the length and diameter of the beer line. With 7 mm lines, 0.1 bar of pressure is required per 2 m of beer line. For 10 mm lines, this is 0.1 bar per 6 m length.
This step is particularly difficult because fundamental mathematical knowledge is required. And now a small example. It is a beautiful Saturday. Evening and the pub is very crowded as usual. We have just struck a 50 liter Falkenkrone beer barrel, where in the beer cellar is a pleasant 7°C. The keg is in the beer cellar, the tap is on the first floor and the height difference is pretty much 6 meters. We use 7 mm beer hoses which is 6 meters long.
- 1. saturation pressure according to table 1.0 bar
- 2. height difference 6 meters is equal to 6 x 0.1 bar 0.6 bar
- 3. friction losses 6 meters is equal to 0.3 bar
- 4. operating pressure would then be 1.0 bar + 0.6 bar + 0.3 bar = 1.9 bar
Brewing process
Brewing processes are important food technology processes for the production of beer. It usually takes place in a brewery and is performed by brewers or brewmasters. The brewing process begins with malting in the malt house, milling with the grist mill, mashing with the mash tun, lautering in the lauter tun, boiling with the wort kettle, i.e. the wort obtained during mashing and lautering for the purpose of sterilization, protein precipitation, hop solution and not forgetting wort clarification in the so-called whirlpool. In this process, the undissolved hop constituents and coagulated protein are removed from the brewing malt and malt residues from the wort by means of a sedimentation process triggered by a rapid rotary motion of the liquid body (whirl).
Brewing water is water specially treated for brewing beer and used to make the wort. Soft water is usually used for light hop-accented beers. For dark and for fuller beers, harder water can be used. Water is also needed in breweries for cleaning and cooling. Here the breweries have made drastic savings in recent years, for the sake of our environment and thank God that we have understood how important this element is. Whereas in the past a total of around 25 hectoliters of fresh water were needed to produce one hectoliter of beer, today this figure is often only 4 hectoliters.
The brewing water is the main component of the beer. More than 90% of beer consists of this natural raw material. Particularly high-quality water is used in the brewing process. Often its quality exceeds that of ordinary drinking water. Most German breweries have their own deep wells or water sources. Not all water is suitable for brewing. It must be soft, that is, contain only small amounts of salts, gypsum and lime, and be of drinking water quality. Our brewing water, which we obtain from deep wells and which is always controlled, meets this requirement.
Beer tax
This beer tax is used for different taxation of different types of beer according to the Beer Tax Act. According to the Beer Tax Act, it is forbidden to mix different types of beer with a beer with a different original wort content in order to obtain tax advantages. The original wort develops during the brewing process, as in the other beer types. The original wort content is calculated using an analysis of the finished beer.
Bock beer
Bock beer is a bottom-fermented strong beer with an original wort content of at least 16% and an alcohol content of 6.25% by volume. It is high in alcohol and, being made only from malt, tastes decidedly malty. A long aging period results in a pure, fresh taste. Bock beer is brewed dark as well as light.
Occasionally, breweries also produce top-fermented bock beers. Bock beers are at their best when they are drunk unchilled, i.e. at about 16 °C.
Craft beer is generally understood to be beers that have been brewed by hand by an independent brewery. The craft beer movement originated in the United States. In addition to this definition, in Europe the term also refers to creative beers and brewers who, within or outside the Reinheitsgebot, take old or foreign beer styles and reinterpret them. There is no clear and precise definition of craft beer in Germany, as the term cannot be protected as a word mark.
This word choice goes back to the English to craft (German: “handwerklich arbeiten”). These were breweries independent of large brewing groups, which deliberately promoted their products as particularly high-quality in competition with and differentiation from conventional breweries and brewed beers based on traditional European styles. The U.S. Brewers Association defines craft brewer as follows:
Small means a maximum annual output of 6 million barrels, equivalent to 7.0 million hectoliters.
For a brewery to be considered independent, no more than 25 percent of a brewery may be owned by a member of the beverage industry that is not itself a craft brewer.
The majority of the alcohol volume must be produced as beers whose flavor results from traditional or innovative brewing ingredients and their fermentation in order for the brewery to be considered “traditional.”
According to this definition, slightly more than one in ten beers tapped in the United States was a craft beer in 2015. This represents 14 percent of total beer sales in the U.S.
Kilning is the gentle drying or roasting of the germinated barley, the so-called green malt, in the malthouse on the kiln with hot air at temperatures above 70 °C. This creates the typical malt aroma and, incidentally, the grain is preserved at the same time.
Dextrins are long-chain, non-fermentable sugars composed of several sugar molecules, which are a soluble degradation product of starch.
Diacetyl forms as a metabolic product of yeast during fermentation. With well-managed secondary fermentation, it is largely removed again. Even in small quantities, diacetyl causes a beer-unfamiliar odor and taste.
This is an extra strong, intensely malty beer with at least 18% original wort (approx. 5.7% alcohol). The Doppelbock beers also include the spring strong beers.
Dark or Munich Dark
Dunkles is a copper to dark brown full-bodied beer brewed with hard water, with a comparatively low alcohol content and a spicy, malty taste. The dark-brewed beer tastes slightly sweet, spicy-malty, with a slightly chocolaty or caramel sweetness. That’s where we’re at as the Falkenkrone.
Pressure tank
The finished beer is stored in the pressure tanks.
In Europe, the unit EBC is used to describe the color (more precisely: the color strength) of beer and beer wort. The value defined by the European Brewery Convention is determined photometrically from a standardized mash.
Final degree of fermentation
The final degree of fermentation is the highest possible degree of fermentation of a wort. It indicates the sum of all sugars fermentable by brewer’s yeast in the beer wort of 100%. Its height is already unchangeably fixed after the end of the mashing process.
Enzymes are biocatalysts that, in addition to breaking down proteins, also cause them to break down into fermentable substances (maltose and dextrin).
Export beer
Export is a light, bright yellow to golden-colored full-bodied beer with a minimum original wort of 12.0%. In German-speaking countries, export beer is a bottom-fermented full-bodied beer with an original wort of 12% to 14% and an alcohol content usually slightly above 5% by volume. It can be light or dark. Compared to top-fermented beers, Export has a longer shelf life due to the bottom-fermented brewing method.
This made it possible to export the beer (initially beyond the city limits). Unlike the beers intended for the domestic market, those intended for export were brewed stronger.
The soluble components of malt that are dissolved from the malt during mashing are called extract. The malt extract is diluted with water to form the beer wort.
After storage, the last turbid substances are removed by filtration. The beer is then crystal clear and can be bottled. In that direction, Falkenkrone is leading the way. The first step is depth filtration, which uses diatomaceous earth. Its fine structure allows it to safely retain yeast.
In the first process diatomaceous earth is used, it is washed with water on cellulose cloths and forms a filter cake. To prevent this layer from sticking, diatomaceous earth is added during filtration, which then builds up a new filter layer. In the second process, boards are built up, which consist mainly of cellulose.
They have an even finer structure than the diatomaceous earth and purify the beer definitively from yeast cells and turbidity substances that have not been removed. The layers are rinsed out with hot water and reused in the next process.
Fermentation in the bottle
In bottle fermentation, secondary fermentation does not take place in tanks or vats, but in the bottle.
During fermentation, yeast converts malt sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Fermentation takes place at 5-9 °C for bottom-fermented beer and at 20 °C for top-fermented beer and lasts 5-6 days, depending on the original wort content.
Fermentation tank
In large fermentation tanks, which used to be located in cool and dark fermentation cellars, the sugar in the wort is fermented into alcohol (ethanol) and carbon dioxide within five to eight days. Around 60% to 70% of the malt sugar is converted in this way. The resulting carbon dioxide is extracted and processed to be added back to the beer at the end of the brewing process (or during tapping).
It is one of the elementary processes in brewing beer.
Barley is an annual grass that reaches growth heights of 0.7 to 1.2 meters. The plant is smooth and hairless.
Two-row spring barley is best for brewing because of its low protein content. It is transformed into malt by germination and kilning and only then used for brewing. Spring barley is predominantly used for human nutrition.
Total hardness
Total hardness is the sum of the calcium and magnesium salts dissolved in the water.
Smooth water
Smooth water is the highly diluted wort that runs out of the lauter tun towards the end of the post-pouring. The thinner the extract becomes, the greater the proportion of impure flavors. Breweries leach the spent grains to values around 0.5%.
Green malt
In malting, green malt is the term used for germinated cereal grains (usually barley), which represent an intermediate stage in malt production.
After wetting the grain with water in the malting plant, the green malt is produced by swelling and germination of the brewing grain in the germination box or, in the past, on the threshing floor. The brewing malt (kiln malt) is obtained by subsequent drying in the kiln.
The shelf life of the beer depends on the amount of hops, the boiling time, the strength of the beer (original wort), the fermentable residual extract and, of course, the cleanliness (hygiene) after the boiling process. Open lautering and filtering processes also influence shelf life through oxidation processes. As a rule of thumb, it can also be said, “The higher the original wort turns out, the longer the maturation and the longer this beer will keep!”
Hansen, Emil Christian
The Dane Emil Christian Hansen scientifically proved the different breeds of yeast. Between 1881 and 1883, he succeeded in propagating yeast in pure culture, which represented a decisive advance for the brewing industry. Let him rest in peace. The breeding of yeast has been continuously improved and thus the targeted breeding of cultured yeasts has long been possible, in which the brewer is interested because of the special properties and fermentation products. Today, at least every major brewery breeds its own pure strains of yeast. This guarantees a consistent quality of the beer in terms of quality and taste. We are very grateful that there are such geniuses.
Main cast
The main pour is the amount of water that is in the mash tun before mashing. The entire malt pour is stirred into it. For light beer, 4 l of water per kg of malt is used, and for dark beer, 3.5 l of water per kg of malt.
Hot Cloudy
Hot turbid is a solid material of more or less flaky consistency, produced during wort boiling, consisting of coagulated protein and hop residues.
Hops or as a technical term called Humulus is a genus of plants from the hemp family Cannabaceae. Hops or as a technical term called Humulus is a genus of plants from the hemp family Cannabaceae. Hops, of course, contribute to the shelf life, as the bitter substances they contain have an antibacterial effect and inhibit the growth of certain bacteria. Hops, considered the “soul of beer”, give beer its specific aroma and typical tart flavor. The typical firm head is also due, among other things, to the hops, completely natural and without chemical additives. For one hectoliter of beer, the brewmaster gives 100 to 450 grams, depending on the type of beer.
The hop is also recognized as a medicinal plant its calming effect man has been using for centuries. Hops come mainly from the Hallertau region in Bavaria the largest closed hop-growing area in the world and are exported worldwide and are highly respected by Falkenkrone.
Hop plugging / cold hopping
Hop plugging (also known as cold hopping) is the term used in beer brewing to describe an addition of hops that takes place only after the main fermentation process. Hop plugging is used because the fermenting beer wort and the alcohol that forms in the lagering tank extract the hop aromas particularly well. Due to the low temperatures, hardly any bitter substances (alpha acid) are dissolved from the hops, but the aromatic essential oils of the hops are well integrated into the wort. When hops are boiled before the main fermentation, it is the other way around: the high temperatures dissolve the bitter substances from the hops and the essential oils volatilize in the process.
Therefore, mainly aroma hop varieties are used for hop plugging and no bitter varieties. For this purpose, the hops are put into a bag (similar to a tea bag) made of food-safe material. The hop residues settle to the bottom of the vessel and are removed. Alternatively, hop pellets are added to the storage tank.
In the past, beers in Germany were also often hop-stoppered to extend their shelf life. Nowadays, this technique is mainly used by craft brewers to add more flavors to their beers. The English beer style Indian Pale Ale is a typical representative of hop-stopped beers.
Yeasts are bioorganisms microorganisms, fungi. The yeast causes the beer wort produced from the malt to ferment. This fermentation produces malt sugar, carbon dioxide and alcohol. Without the yeast there would be no fermentation and no beer. The effect of yeast was known very early and from it some breeds of yeast are excellent for brewing beer. And after brewing beer, the yeast strain used can be cleaned and thus used again and again.
In the yeast incubation plant or pure breeding plant affectionately called kindergarten, two yeast strains, a top-fermenting yeast strain Saccaromyces cerevisiae for the wheat beers , Kölsch , Altbier or Berliner Weisse are and produce fruity, aromatic and sparkling beers and a bottom-fermenting yeast strain Saccaromyces carlsbergensis for varieties such as Pils,
Export ,Märzen cherished and produces more soft, less floral and mild and sweet aromatic beers .Top fermenting yeasts float on the surface of the young beer during open fermentation at the end of the fermentation process.
which was easier to produce before Carl von Linde invented the refrigerating machine in 1873. Bottom-fermenting yeasts settle at the bottom of the fermentation vessels and the fermentation temperature is about 4° to 8° degrees Celsius. Top-fermented brewing is the older method, hence the name Altbier, because fermentation takes place at higher temperatures and usually between 15° to 20° degrees Celsius,
The Falkenkrone contains carbohydrates, protein, carbon dioxide, alcohol, various minerals, vitamins, trace elements and water. The beer contains iron, zinc, copper, manganese and silicon as trace elements, and calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium as minerals, to name just a few of the important ingredients.
Breweries are unfortunately prohibited from making health claims about beer. At the same time it contains essential vitamins and trace elements. When warmed, it is even said to help with colds. Especially the vitamin B complex contained in beer should not be underestimated.
The members of the Central American Indian high culture knew the beer already in the 6. and 7th century AD. They used it as a cultic drink in religious ceremonies and it was considered a preciousness.
Irish is a slightly sweet, malty and lightly hopped ale with a reddish color coming from the roasted barley. A light to medium bodied beer, Irish Ale is influenced by the Scottish brewing tradition. Some bottom-fermented lagers are also made on the basis of this type of beer.
Iodine sample
The iodine test is used to determine whether the enzymes of the malt have caused the conversion of the starch into maltose. Only when the iodine sample turns yellow is the conversion to malt sugar complete. As long as the sample is blue, purple or dark, it is still necessary to wait further at saccharification temperature.
Young beer
Young beer (rarely also fresh beer) is the beer immediately after the addition of yeast to the wort. It is called young beer, because at this stage the beer is not yet mature in taste. Only through storage, also called secondary fermentation or maturation, the beer becomes more digestible and matures in flavor. During primary fermentation, the fermentable sugars dissolved from the malt are converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide.
This can be seen by the decrease in original wort content and increase in alcohol content. It is stored in storage tanks for about 3 more weeks under pressure.
Cold cloudy, chilled cloudy
When cooling the wort or even the beer, a clouding of protein/tannin complexes occurs, which is called cold trub.
Caramel malt
Caramel malt is a special form of brewing malt that gives beer a full-bodied flavor.
Caramel malt is produced by redutzing kilned malt to about 40 percent moisture again
Kegs are cylindrical, standardized drums for beverages made of stainless steel, usually with a capacity of 20, 30 or 50 liters. A tapping pipe integrated into the barrel makes it much easier for the host to tap the beer.
Keg cleaning systems
KEG systems are used for cleaning drums (KEG). They belong to the so-called secondary equipment, as there is no direct contact with the food.
Keg palletizing equipment
After the barrels have been filled or the bottles have been put into crates, they are grouped together on pallets by means of palletizers.
Soaking in water causes the malting barley to germinate. In the process, a number of enzymes are formed, which are essential for the production of malt and beer wort.
Kolbach number
The determination of the Kolbach number, in addition to other indicators, is used for standardized analysis of the chemical conditions in or the properties or quality of barley malt.
With a Kolbach number below 35%, malts are described as moderately dissolved, from 35-41% as well dissolved, and above 41% as very well dissolved. In regular malt, the Kolbach number is between 38 and 42 %. The Kolbach number is named after the former Professor Paul Kolbach of the Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin (creative period between the 1930s and 1960s).
Kölsch in Cologne is an EU-wide geographically protected indication of origin and is a bright, light blond or golden yellow, top-fermented full-bodied beer that may only be brewed in the Cologne area and requires temperatures between 15°C to 20°C for fermentation. There it has developed its own tap culture, as it is served in 0.2-liter pint glasses. It has an average alcohol content of 4.7% by volume, a delicate hop aroma and tastes extremely refreshing. The beer that can be called Kölsch is regulated by the Kölsch Convention of 1985.
cellar beer
The Kellerbier naturally cloudy remains unfiltered and is therefore particularly full-bodied and drinkable. The natural ingredients present in the beer settle to the bottom and can be shaken up during pouring. A treat for all beer lovers and beer sommeliers. The name Kellerbier is based on the fact that the beer comes directly “from the lager cellar”, that is, is drunk or bottled without filtration.
Kräusen is the term used to describe beer wort that is in the stage of primary fermentation. The term Kräusen describes the formation of foam and the foam pattern on the fermenting beer wort, it looks like frizzy hair. The carbonic acid produced during fermentation is responsible for the formation of foam. After about three days, a foam of protein and bitter substances forms on the surface of the fermenting wort.
This foam formation is called crimping.
Cooling the wort
Lager is a term derived from the most prominent characteristic of bottom-fermented beers: their storability. Today, all over the world, it denotes a normal to high-quality full-bodied light beer. It is mildly hopped and golden yellow in color.
Lager or Märzen beer
Der Begriff “Lager” leitet sich von der hervorstechendsten Eigenschaft der untergärigen Biere ab: ihrer Lagerfähigkeit. Heute bezeichnet es in der ganzen Welt ein normales bis hochwertiges vollmundiges Leichtbier. Es ist mild gehopft und von goldgelber Farbe.
Lauter tun
In the lauter tun, the spent grains, i.e. the solid components, are separated from the mash. The clear wort runs back into the pan. Once the so-called front wort has been lautered, warm water is added to the spent grains to wash out the sugars still contained in them.
Lauter tap
The wort used to flow from the lauter tun into the wort kettle from the lauter tap. Air should not get under the lauter bottom through it, otherwise the lautering process will be hindered. Today, a closed piping system is used for this purpose to prevent oxygen pickup.
Lautering refers to the separation of the extract parts dissolved in water in the lauter tun from the solid components of the mash after completion of the mashing process.
Storage tank
The storage tanks are not to be underestimated. They are usually under pressure with a storage temperature of 1° to 2° so that the carbon dioxide produced no longer escapes but is bound in the beer as fine bubbly carbonic acid. Storage gives the beer its maturity and the final, desired beer flavor.
Here the beer can ferment, the last yeast residues and protein tannins sink, the beer rests and clarifies and acquires its characteristic beer color.
During the lauter rest, the ingredients settle on the lauter tun bottom according to their weight and the size of the mash particles. Here, the grain husks help the spent grains cake remain permeable while still retaining the fine components of the mash. The lautering rest is a part of the saccharification phase.
Light beers
Light beers are predominantly brewed as draught beers, both bottom-fermented and top-fermented. The alcohol content is kept below 3.4% by volume. In light beers, either the formation of alcohol is prevented or the alcohol content is partially removed after fermentation. As a result, light beer also has only 380 calories per liter, which is half the calorie content of a liter of grape juice. Two liters of light beer, enjoyed over the course of three hours, do not cause the alcohol level in the blood to rise above 0.1 per mille.
Linde, Carl von
The engineer and entrepreneur was born on June 11, 1842 in Berndorf in Upper Franconia and taught as a professor of mechanical engineering at the Technical University in Munich. His pioneering work in heat theory enabled him to develop a compression refrigeration machine using methyl ether in 1874 and ammonia as a refrigerant in 1876. It was these inventions that enabled breweries to brew beer all year round. The inventor, who was ennobled in 1897, died in Munich on November 16, 1934. The oldest refrigeration machine still to be seen in a brewery is at the Paulaner Brewery in Munich and dates from 1881.
Maibock is the name given to a variant of Bock beer, which is traditionally brewed and drunk between Lent and the summer offering of full beers. The month of May gives it its name. Other names are Heller Bock, Helles Bock and Frühlingsbock. Maibock is a bottom-fermented strong beer with an alcohol content of 6 to 8.5% by volume. and corresponding original wort. In the approach, a higher carbohydrate content is sometimes used for Maibock to still offer sweetness despite fermentation.
A mash is a mixture consisting of approximately four parts water and one part ground malt. Enzymatic degradation processes take place in the mash at certain temperature levels; for example, starch is degraded to malt sugar. The components that are difficult to dissolve, such as malt sugar, are then transferred into solution.
Malt (malting) is grain that has been germinated briefly and dried again, such as barley, wheat, rye, spelt, corn. And brewing malt is malt that is specifically designed to meet the requirements of the production of beer. Only barley malt may be used for bottom-fermented beers. For top-fermented varieties, other malt such as wheat, rye or spelt may also be used. Whether a beer is blond, brown, black or amber, sweet or spicy, depends on the brewing malt, which gives the beer its fullness of flavor and color. In the malting plant, the grains, mainly barley and wheat, are germinated by adding water and then “kilned” (dried). This malt is used to make a brew in the brewery.
Malt silo
At the very beginning there is malt, which is obtained by processing various types of grain (mostly barley) and which is stored in the so-called malt silos. Thoroughly cleaned, the respective vessels are available again after brewing for the subsequent brewing process.
Malt beer
Malt beer is the name given to various beers made from malt, which are characterized by a dark color and low alcohol content.
Top-fermented malt beer with the addition of sugar, sugar syrup and sugar couleur is also known as sweet beer. Following a ruling by the Federal Court of Justice in 1958, the beverage can no longer officially be called (malt) beer in Germany if sugar has been added, as this contradicts the Purity Law. Therefore, it has since been called a malt drink, malt beverage or malt drink.
Top-fermented malt beer without the addition of sugar, but with the addition of roasted malt is also called top-fermented nutrient beer “Bavarian brewing style”. Bottom-fermented malt beer is also called double caramel.
Malt beer is a top-fermented, brown-black beer in which the approx. 7% original wort is brought to an extract content of 12-13% by sugar, which may be caramelized. Fermentation is interrupted at a maximum alcohol oil content of 0.5%.
Malt drink
For the malt drink, either the top-fermenting or bottom-fermenting yeast is added at approximately 10 °C. Only slight alcoholic fermentation occurs and little alcohol is produced. The alcohol content is 1.5% by volume for low-alcohol malt beer. Non-alcoholic beers contain less than 0.5% by volume. Following a ruling by the Federal Court of Justice in 1958, malt beer with added sugar cannot be called beer in Germany, so it has since been traded under names such as Malztrunk or similar, because it also contradicts the German Purity Law. And we think it’s a good thing, too.
Malt grist
The malt is ground in the grist mill and then mashed.
Märzenbier, or Märzen for short, is a bottom-fermented full-bodied beer originally brewed in March. Märzen is a bottom-fermented, rich yellow to golden-colored full-bodied beer with an original wort content of 13 to 14% and an alcohol content above 5%. It used to be brewed when it was only possible to brew in winter, in the
March brewed stronger to protect it longer against spoilage by higher alcohol content. After the hot summer months, it was served at festival beer time. Märzen is the typical Oktoberfest beer.
In a malt house, malt is produced from brewing grain by malting. Worldwide, there are very many countries with breweries, but only about a small number of countries also have malt houses. There are around 30 to 40 commercial malt houses in Germany. Good malting plants distinguish themselves by delivering brewing malt to the breweries in the desired quality and on time.
The production of malt can be divided into three subsections.
Steeping:During steeping in the steeping house, the barley (or other brewing grain) is moistened for 2-3 days until the water content of the grain is about 40-45 percent.
Germination: germinates in germinators 4-7 days. In the process, leaf and root germs form from the seedling of the grain and enzymes are produced or activated in the grain.
Kilning:The germinated green malt is dried on the kiln in a gentle process and thus color and aroma substances are formed in the grain.
Various malting processes can be used to produce a variety of different brewing malts, which in turn make different types of beer possible.
mash pan
In the mash tun, the crushed malt is added to warm water. At different high temperatures, “rests” of varying length are observed.
During these rests, enzymatic reactions break down starch, protein compounds and the cell wall.
Secondary fermentation
During secondary fermentation, the remaining extractives in the lager are fermented under pressure. In the process, the beer is enriched with carbon dioxide. So also with Falkenkrone.de
Natural cloudy beers
Natural cloudy beers are usually bottled directly after the fermentation process. Because they are not filtered, they still contain the suspended and turbid substances that occur naturally during brewing. These are residues from the hops, a little yeast and proteins that form from the malt. These beers are very aromatic and full-bodied in taste. Since all the natural suspended solids and trub remain in the beer, it is considered more nutritionally valuable than filtered beer.
It is a spicy and very drinkable beer.
Top-fermented beers are those made with top-fermented breeds of yeast, such as Altbier Kölsch, Süßbier, Berliner Weiße Top-fermented beer was the most popular beer until the middle of the 19th century.
At the beginning of the twentieth century the master produced beer. An essential feature for the beer is that the yeast colonies float on top of the brewing brew after the brewing process and can be skimmed off.
The treatment of wooden barrels with pitch to close the pores and joints of the wood and prevent the carbonic acid from escaping is called piching.
Pilsner, Pilsener
Pilsner or Pilsner beer, but also called beer brewed according to Pilsner brewing method is a bottom-fermented beer named after the Bohemian city of Pilsen with increased hop content compared to other types of beer and also strong hop aroma and a maximum of 12.5 °P original wort content.
Beers produced in the Pilsner brewing style now make up the majority of beers produced and sold in Germany.
smoked beer
Smoked beer is the name given to a flavor of bottom-fermented full-bodied beer that is created by using smoked malt. Due to production, many types of beer used to be smoked beers, but today they are considered a specialty.
Radler is a mixed beer drink consisting of beer and lemonade. In northwestern Germany, the term Alsterwasser or Alster corresponds to Radler; in Switzerland and French-speaking countries, the term is Panaché. In Württemberg and also in Bavaria, the term Russ or Russe is also known, but it is used in a restricted way for mixed drinks made from wheat beer and lemonade.
In Germany, after the amendment of the Beer Tax Act in 1993, Radler may be sold ready-mixed in bottles or beverage cans, with beer tax also being payable on the lemonade portion.
The purity of smell and taste, or sensory, can only be determined by sensory testing. This is an important part of the DLG test.
The DLG also Deutsche Lebensmittel Gesellschafft is active in almost all areas of food testing.
Purity law
The Purity Law was issued by Duke Wilhelm IV of Bavaria on April 23, 1516, according to which beer may only be brewed using barley, hops and water. The Purity Law is considered the oldest food regulation in the world. Today, yeast is additionally called, a raw material that was not known at that time. They relied on the yeasts that were in the air.
To this day, this is partly perceived as a German cultural asset and marketed accordingly. The Germans can be proud of this.
The intake of oxygen must be kept as low as possible in beer after fermentation, otherwise beer will age and spoil much faster.
Sedimentation (from Latin sedimentum = sediment) is the deposition of particles from liquids or gases under the influence of weight or centrifugal force. The layer of suspended sediment that forms is called sediment, sediment, or loose sediment. During sedimentation, the deposited particles stratify according to their density and size due to their different sedimentation or sinking velocities.
The particles with the highest sedimentation velocity are deposited first. Since the sinking speed is essentially determined by the density, different substances can be deposited separately in layers, which can also be used to separate the different substances of a mixture as is the case in the brewing process ,where the undissolved hops and protein components are removed from the brewing malt and malt residues from the wort. If only one material is deposited, or materials of similar density, large particles will deposit faster and lie at the bottom first, while small particles lie at the top. Therefore, the greater the density of a substance, the faster it sinks to the ground.
grist mill
A grist mill is used to grind grains into meal. In breweries, it is used to grind malt into malt grist.
Draft beer
Schankbier is a classification for beer in Germany and Austria. In Germany, beers with 7% to less than 11% original wort are classified as draught beers.
The Austrian Food Code classifies beers with 9% to below 11% as draught beers. The beer tax is calculated on the basis of the original wort content at €2 per hectoliter and degree Plato original wort content. After fermentation, the alcohol content is about one third lower than for full beer
The beer foam forms the foam crown or flower on the beer glass it should be dense and durable. The density and longevity of the head are determined by the type of malt, hops, etc. and their fermentation. The foam retention is technologically influenced by the different mashing processes and the origin of the grain. In general, wheat malt produces a finer and longer lasting head than beer made from barley malt.
Black beer
Schwarzbier is very dark and full-bodied in taste.
Schwarzbier usually gets its dark color from the use of dark brewing malts or roasted malts, which gives it its typical roasty note. The original wort content is at least 11% and Schwarzbier has a market share of 1.6% to 2% in Germany
Layer filter
After storage, many beers are filtered. Here, layered filters and diatomaceous earth filters are used.
Original wort content
Original wort content with the unit of measurement in degrees Plato (°P) refers to the amount of substances dissolved from the malt in the unfermented wort. In detail, these are malt sugars, proteins, vitamins, aromas and minerals. From the original wort, approx. 1/3 alcohol, 1/3 carbon dioxide and 1/3 residual extract are formed by fermentation.
Stout (Guinness)
An almost black, very strong beer made from roasted malt with a creamy, smooth taste. The best-known representative of dry stout is Guinness, which tastes strongly of roasted barley. The Guinness is very dark and bitter.
The brewhouse is the heart of every brewery because the brewing process begins in the brewhouse, as it does at Falkenkrone.de. Here are the vessels for wort production, mash tun, lauter tun , brew or wort kettle.
From algae harvesting to beer clarification to protein recovery, anyone who wants to separate liquids or clean them of fine particles cannot do without strong and robust separators.
Beer day
Every year on April 23 the Day of German Beer is celebrated. This is to commemorate the enactment of the German Purity Law, the oldest food law in the world. And also Falkenkrone is proud that this law exists.
Treber is the term used to describe malt residues (husks) that remain in the lauter tun after the wort has drained off and are sold to the agricultural sector as popular cattle feed.
Drinking temperature
The ideal drinking temperature of our beer is between seven and nine degrees Celsius. Beer should not be heated or cooled too quickly – this affects the taste. Hot water and freezer are taboo!
Bottom-fermented refers to beers made with bottom-fermenting yeast. The main characteristic of the beer is that after fermentation the yeast colonies sink to the bottom of the fermentation vessel, hence the name. Bottom-fermenting yeast, unlike top-fermenting yeast, requires a lower temperature between 4 and 9 °C for fermentation. Because of this, fewer spontaneous infections can proliferate and also bottom-fermented brewing requires a longer fermentation and storage time.
Typical bottom-fermented beers are: Pilsner, Export, Märzen, Lager. Bottom-fermented beer gained world renown in the 19th century and began its triumph of popularity.
Full beer
- Beer with low original wort content with an original wort of less than 7%.
- draught beer with an original wort of 7.0% to less than 11
- Full-bodied beer with an original wort of 11.0% to less than 16
- Strong beer with an original wort of at least 16.0%.
- Draught beer with an original wort of 9% to less than 11%.
- Full-bodied beer with an original wort of 11 % to less than 16 %.
- Special beer with an original wort of at least 12.5 % (optional designation of a full beer)
- Strong beer with an original wort of at least 16.0% and above.
Switzerland are the subject names for beers:
- Light beer with an original wort of less than 10%.
- Lager beer with an original wort of 10 % or more
- Special beer with an original wort of 11.5% or more
- Strong beer with an original wort of 14 % or more
Weihenstephan is a district of Freising in Upper Bavaria. In Weihenstephan is the Faculty of Brewing at the Technical University of Munich. It is the oldest, most important research and training center for brewing in the whole world. Here come the best brewmasters in the world. The Bavarian State Brewery Weihenstephan is considered the oldest brewery in the world and is located on the “Weihenstephaner Berg” in Freising. Falkenkrone is very proud of this facility.
Wheat beer/white beer
Wheat beers are beers made with a high proportion of wheat malt. Designations for these beers are wheat. Wheat beers are usually brewed top-fermented. Colloquially, the term “wheat beer” is often used as a synonym for wheat beer, especially in southern Bavaria.
Wheat beer is a top-fermented, predominantly light-colored full-bodied beer with about 11-12% original wort. As the name suggests, wheat malt is used in addition to barley malt when brewing wheat or wheat beer. Falkenkrone also has this super beer.
Bock beers belong to the strong beers. They are top-fermented or bottom-fermented beers with an original wort content above 16 degrees Plato and an alcohol content of 6.5% or more by volume.Due to the special, often dark malts, bock beer is full in flavor and brings the roasted aromas provided by the malt. According to the heaviness of the beer and a (compared to full beers) often lower amount of carbon dioxide, the foam is creamy and, especially in dark bock, also beige in color. It is available in light and dark, but also as wheat stout.
Winter barley is a high-protein, thick-husked barley that brewers are reluctant to process into malt.
The soluble components washed out of the malt are boiled together with the hops in the wort kettle. This ensures sterility and the intended original wort content is achieved by boiling down. The wort is the actual end product from the brewhouse and determines the characteristics of the beer.
wort kettle
Translation types Text translation Detect language German English Spanish English German Spanish Source text Die Würzepfanne dient dem Bierbrauer zum Kochen der beim Maischen und Läutern gewonnenen Würze zum Zweck der Sterilisation, Eiweißfällung, Hopfenlösung, Austreibung aromaintensiver Substanzen und zur Einstellung der gewünschten Konzentration der Stammwürze. Die Würzepfanne dient dem Bierbrauer zum Kochen der beim Maischen und Läutern gewonnenen Würze zum Zweck der Sterilisation, Eiweißfällung, Hopfenlösung, Austreibung aromaintensiver Substanzen und zur Einstellung der gewünschten Konzentration der Stammwürze. Look up details 257 / 5,000 Translation results Translation result The wort kettle is used by the brewer to boil the wort obtained during mashing and lautering for the purpose of sterilization, protein precipitation, hop dissolving, expulsion of aroma-intensive substances and for setting the desired concentration of the original wort. Look up details Send feedback Side panels
Wort clarification/whirlpool
In brewing, the whirlpool is a vessel used for wort clarification during beer production. The undissolved hop components and coagulated protein are removed from the brewing malt and malt residues from the wort by a sedimentation process triggered by a rapid whirl movement of the liquid body.
Wort cooling
The letter X especially in brewing has several meanings.
Generally, an X and a series of multiple Xs and their multiples of “twenty” (XX), “thirty” (XXX) or even on and beyond or simple cross is a mathematical sign of a multiplication or unknown and nothing more or less.
This can also be used, for example, to indicate the strength of a beer in alcohol or if its capacity, volume, mass, container or its price and color scale is not known or should not be known for the first time.
Above all, it is also used for certain old or special whiskies, cognacs or different barrel aging.
With the letter Y in the German alphabet, it is especially in beer brewing hard to find what, or to bring this letter Y in connection with beer.
The 25th letter of today’s modern Latin alphabet Y was not present in the original Latin alphabet. It was inserted as the 22nd letter before the Z only in late Roman times and was used in Latin texts only to render the Y in Greek loanwords.
Zapfen / beer tap
Tapping is a real beer ceremony. Tapping beer is an art and must first be learned. The glass is poured, settling several times, into beer glasses held at an angle and perfectly rinsed, and then enjoyed with a perfect head of foam. It is important that beer glasses are rinsed free of grease, because grease destroys the foam crown.
In beer specialty stores, there are specially designed glass cleaners or cleaner tabs that do not destroy the beer foam.
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